Legacy of John Toon (EPC’s Ex-Chairman)
March is the time of year which always reminds us of John Toon (Ex-Chairman, Andy’s dad). John remained at the heart and core of EPC for over 40 years. In that time he developed true family values throughout the business and forged strong relationships with all members of the team.
To mark the arrival of Spring, John would bring handfuls of daffodils into EPC. This tradition is continued by Andy and other members of the team each year. We’re keen to keep the legacy of John alive!
John always strived to be a leader and set a prime example for younger and existing workers at EPC. In doing so, John was an inspiration to us all. Whether it was his iconic lab-coat or cheeky smile, John Toon has and always will remain a significant part of the EPC family.
To explore the incredible impact John Toon had on EPC: Keeping John’s legacy alive – EPC (epcltd.co.uk)
Please visit our page to see what John accomplished: https://www.linkedin.com/company/electrolyticplatingcompany/